Interview with Authoress Maryann Hayatian
Alice’s Pier 21 by Maryann Hayatian is an authoress who has written a children’s book. Maryann is well known for her books “Flower Child” and “Cookie, a Cat’s Tale”.
I had a golden opportunity to get to know her. It was really an exciting experience. She was kind and deferential.
Let’s see what she has to say about her journey –
• Why did you choose your Mothers Story to write a book on?
Her story needs to be heard, Canadian history that still continues throughout the decades. Kids will learn and grownups could relate.
• What made you think differently to write a book for children?
When you write a children’s book, you use your imagination.
• What problems you faced in deciding what picture will fit in your story?
There were no glitches with choosing photos, it was more what photo to put 1st until last.
Photos were drawn and drawings were added, as drawings were done there were lots to organize it was cool.
• What makes your book different from others?
Other books written about Pier 21, is about the general history how people went to Canada. This is authentic. What I wrote is proof, my mom and family went on the journey.
• What should a writer believe in when he is writing a book.
Writer should believe in itself first, knowing has talent to write and write not for the idea to be a writer.
• What message do you want to give to the readers?
You will like Alice’s Pier 21, the journey is what you will learn. This will want you to cherish the endurance to get what we want to achieve.
You can buy the book
Chapters, Amazon and Barnes & Noble
We wish the authoress best luck for her future endeavors.