Author Interview Of Farida Bouri Mihoub
The Planet known as poetry has brought Cosmique Cosmic by Farida Bouri Mihoub to define her glittered world. I got an golden opportunity to interview her on my platform. It was really great to have such amazing discussion. Let’s see how it goes -
Question 1) What inspired you to write about Cosmic and healing ?
My inspiration came from nature and my faith. I do believe that we are strongly connected with the Universe and all its secrets. Nature is beauty and beauty is healing. We can find everything in nature to make us good and healthy.
Question 2) How much time did you take to curate poems for this book ?
It took me nine months to collect the poems of this Volume one.
Question 3) Do you found publishing a book difficult ? Do advise something to budding writers on publishing ?
I had planned to complete my compilation of poems and then start submitting them to publishing companies. FlowerPublish contacted me for a possible collaboration and I accepted to be published by them
Question 4) How did the book changed the lives of the readers ?
My readers are absolutely thrilled and happy. In a few months, I have around 5000 followers on Facebook and over 2000 on Linkedin. It is absolutely amazing. Some readers ask me for a poem every day to help them make it through the day. it’s very moving.
Question 5 ) Who should read this book. Would you like to recommend some specified audience?
I recommend my book to everyone. I have readers who are young, older, retired, men and women alike. It is intended to enjoy life and what we have, despite all the difficulties that one may endure in his or her own life
Question 6) This was the first poetry book which has French and English included? Do you wish you publish more books in comming future?
Yes, I am planning on a Volume 2; which will be trilingual, English, French and Arabic. I do not read Arabic but a few literature professors have proposed to translate my poetry for me. I double check the translations with some of my readers and test them. They are all satisfied.
Question 7) What advice would you like to give to the readers ?
To my readers, I say enjoy my words. Many of them tell me they have the impression I am talking directly to them, and this is such a great satisfaction. I would tell them that whatever trouble they are going through there is always an answer and a solution to never lose hope and to be better every day, the only path towards inner peace and happiness.
Question 8) Who were the pillars of motivation who helped you to turn this to reality?
My pillars are numerous. First, my child dream to write a book at one point or another in my life, being a lover of literature and beautiful sentences. Second, my mentors and friends who believed in me and encouraged me to compile a manuscript. Third, my publisher, MaryAnn who took the bet to publish me.
Question 9) Do you like to become a best selling author ? If yes, then what strategy have you made?
Of course I would love my book to be a best seller and only the future knows. In terms of strategy, i’m contacting journalists and editors for a possible article in paper or in interview on a TV show. I am also planning to contact the authorities of my hometown, and different press people. My publisher also has her own strategy, contacting bookstores, libraries and universities in Canada.
Question 10) How has book writing changed your life ?
It has changed it in a way that whatever dream you have know that it is possible to realise it. It gives me strength to continue and prepare volumes 2, 3 , 4 and so on. Writing will never stop as long as there are words, are long are there is love, as long as there is faith and hope.
I hope you enjoyed the interview. There was hope filled with lots of amazing answers which you can take help from.
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